LINCOLN, NE. – The Nebraska Trucking Association is the recipient of the 2021 Summa Cum Laude Award, a “Superior Safety Award”.
Knowing what any professional individual’s strengths are and how to work off them are skills that can take any organization boldly to the top, and Chief Carrier’s very own Safety Manager Brett Kleier has earned industry success on many levels. As one of the acting Nebraska Trucking Association Safety Management Council Members, he has long had a very thorough and preventative approach during his entire trucking career that has earned the respect of many and made him an authority on the trucking industry.
Going It Together
The NTA, Nebraska Trucking Association, was awarded the prestigious 2021 Summa Cum Laude award by the Safety Management Council of the American Trucking Association. The Summa Cum Laude award recognizes the conduct of a superior program of safety for its members.
A beneficial experience for all members, the Nebraska Trucking Association provides its group assembled from competing companies all the resources to join together and share the many “wins that have helped keep 18 wheels of weight” on Cornhusker state roads.
Getting involved with all hands on deck is a key and reoccurring theme during NTA meetings, and this entity has a valuable think tank of members from other companies such as Crete Carrier, Hills Brothers, Hunt Transportation, Werner Enterprises, AmeriClaim, and others. 14 of these “Giant load savvy Gurus” preside on the Safety Management Council, with our very own Brett Kleier as the Vice Chairman.
In September of 2022, Brett will be allowing everyone in the group to gain from his years of driving and safety insight for everyone’s greater good as he will take over as Chairman of the council. Each member of the Safety Management Council is officially deemed as Certified Directors of Safety from the North American Transportation Management Institute, which attains official accreditation through the University of Central Florida.
For the Nebraska Trucking Association, safety knows no boundaries.
Safety Knows No Boundaries
Brett had noted wisely when asked about this award and his enjoyment of being a board member and Chief Carriers employee that “There are no boundaries in safety, and we are all in this together”. Sharing with his fellow employees of Chief Carriers and the NTA, Brett also claimed that “Nebraska is focused on making safety the standard and non-negotiable.” This is the second year in a row that the NTA earned this recognition, as its deep roots, always on-spot and progressive thinking, and outreach and care for drivers all are evident.
Nebraska is focused on making safety the standard and non-negotiable. ~ Brett Kleier
The NTA also has events that cater to a wide-reaching and very practical need in the trucking industry, such as Reasonable Suspicion Training and Hazardous Material Endorsement Training. The American Trucking Association is the presenter of the award, and they have been busy reporting on positive news such as the truck tonnage index increasing nationwide by 2.7% in June!

Heath Richards, Barb Aude, Raul Soria, Brett Kieier, Lucas Mowery, Jim Edsall
They are the top-notch professionals regarding crucial findings such as studies on driver compensation and are the “Voice of the Nation” regarding lawmakers and creating a firm stronghold of advocacy within this dynamic trucking industry. With a prospective and promising look toward the future, Brett and the rest of the NTA members are finding ways to bring smaller outfits that don’t have the resources and long employee rosters aboard to share their own experiences and wealth of knowledge.